属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-男士美容 美女和野兽
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-航空业 飞向未来
1 | 倒向 [附和] 胜利的一方 | descend on the rightside of the fence | |
2 | 匪徒们突袭了未设防的村庄。 | The bandits descend on the defenseless village | |
3 | 那么,当这1.7万失去了饭碗而满腔怒火的人们向华盛顿讨要公道和工作时会怎么样呢? | What will happen when these 17,000 irate people, now-unemployed, descend on Washington, demanding explanations and jobs? | |
4 | 你可以搭电梯上去,但要自己走下来。 | You can ride the escalator up but have to descend on foot. | |
5 | 如今舅舅正升了外省去,家里自然忙乱起身,咱们这工夫一窝一拖的奔了去,岂不没眼色. | But uncle’s just been promoted and is going to the provinces, so his place is bound to be upside down. If we descend on him like a swarm of bees, it will look most inconsiderate. | |
6 | 我期望上帝的恩惠。 | I hope the grace of God would descend on me. | |
7 | ||1:他的玩笑不拘泥于犹太式的幽默,更有犹太人的巧舌如簧,和在社会地位上犹太人的竞争力与焦虑感。||2:但Wisse教授解释说,犹太人的幽默感,名声在外,说既不是被普遍接受的也不是有史可溯的。||3:这种形象起源于启蒙时期,但19世纪末的伦敦的犹太教大法师都感到有必要反驳犹太人无幽默感的说法阿拉伯世界的犹太人也不像有笑神经的人,但在希伯来语世界以及美国和以色列,很多犹太人,如果不是绝大多数,犹太人与幽默的联结在希伯来语世界中强大得如同与生俱来,不言自明的一样。||4:Wisse教授把这种怪圈比作“法国烹饪”或者“土耳其浴”一样。 | ||1:His joke hinges not just on Jews’ fondness for humour, but also on Jewish verbal dexterity, competitiveness and anxiety over social status.||2:But, as Ms Wisse explains, the Jewish reputation for humour is neither universal nor ancient.||3:The connection began with the Enlightenment, but even in the late 19th century London’s chief rabbi felt obliged to defend Jews against charges of humourlessness.||4:Jews in Arab countries do not seem to have had the laughing gene, but in the Yiddish-speaking world—and in America and Israel, where many, if not most, Jews descend from Yiddish speakers—the connection between humour and Jews is so strong as to be almost axiomatic. | |
8 | ||1:他曾经近距离经历过雪崩——并且有几次离雪崩太近。||2:1999年,在一次他与妻子攀登普马里基仕峰(位于巴基斯坦境内)的过程中被雪崩埋住了帐篷,夫妻二人被困在一块冰原上度过了5个夜晚。||3:1994年在攀登楠达德维峰的时候他们不得不从一处刚经历雪崩的地方下山,最后他们死里逃生。但之前他已经采取了预防措施,就是用一幅插在山顶的祈祷旗来抚慰山神。||4:像浪漫主义诗人(比如,他常常在登山的时候大量诵读拜伦《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》中的句子,并且一字不差)一样,他也认为山是庄严的。||5:他对挤在中印边境上的锡金邦的紧致情有独钟。在他的努力下,得以让此地优雅而又闪耀着光芒的山峰重新对登山者开放。||6:登山的时候,他习惯把相机紧紧地绑在胸前,以便分享他眼前看到的美景。||7:但他最喜欢引用的一些句子都对美景和其背后的风险做了权衡。 | ||1: He knew avalanches at close quarters—at times, way too close. ||2: On Pumari Chhish in Pakistan in 1999 he and Julie-Ann had spent five nights trapped on an icefield, with avalanches breaking over their tent. ||3: On Nanda Devi East in 1994 they had to descend an avalanche, and just made it; but he had taken the precaution of appeasing the mountain gods with a prayer-flag planted at the summit. ||4: Like the Romantic poets (like Byron’s Childe Harold, which he would quote in reams, word-perfect, as he climbed), he believed that mountains were sublime. ||5: He had a special love for the compactness of Sikkim, squeezed between Tibet and India, whose elegant, shining peaks he helped open again to mountaineering. ||6: A camera went with him always, strapped tight against his sternum, to record for others the beauty he saw. ||7: But some of his favourite quotations weighed up the beauty against the risk. | |
9 | ||1:通常,只需注射一针肉毒杆菌毒素即可。这种毒素可以麻痹肌肉,作用于额头深层的皱纹。尤其是男士年过四十,整天对着电脑屏幕最容易生皱纹。||2:有些人则青睐激光治疗来改善肤色,以及在鼻与口之间的皱纹里填充整容化学材料。||3:罗曼医生说,英国的男士很舍得花钱。||4:情况确实如此:治疗起价为300英镑(477美元),而要进行一些更为细节的治疗则要花双倍的钱。||5:法国的男士通常由妻子们带着来整容,而英国男士则喜欢一个人悄悄来接受治疗。 | ||1: Typically, a swift shot of Botox, a toxin which freezes muscles, targets the deep forehead cleft which can descend on men over 40, especially if they spend all day frowning at a screen. ||2: Other favoured treatments are lasers, which perk up skin-tone, and cosmetic fillers for those deep grooves between the nose and the mouth. ||3: Englishmen, says Dr Roman, are big spenders. ||4: This is just as well: Botox treatment starts at £300 ($477). Fiddlierprocedures can cost twice as much. ||5: The French tag along with their wives; Britons sidle in alone. | |
10 | 从一个地面信标到另一个, 飞机必须蜿蜒飞行而不是直线飞行,一会升一会降,而这每一个步骤飞机都需要从地面取得许可。 | Instead of flying straight, planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, and ascend and descend in steps, at each stage obtaining permission from the ground. | |
11 | 客机必须曲折地从一个信号站飞到下一个,而不是直线飞行;每一步上升或下降都需要得到地面的许可。 | Instead of flying straight, planes must zigzag from one ground beacon to the next, and ascend and descend in steps, at each stage obtaining permission from the ground. | |
12 | 她实际上需要艾尔索普大夫如同一位骑着白马的骑士一般降到她的身旁。 | What she wanted was for Dr Allsop himself to descend on her, very like a knight on a white horse. | |
13 | 每年,数百名全世界最有影响力的人物都会聚集在这个瑞士滑雪胜地。 | Hundreds of big wheels descend on the Swiss ski resort each year. | |
14 | 每年都有成千上万的外国游客前往西班牙潘普洛纳,参加狂欢,观看早晨的奔牛和下午的斗牛。 | Tens of thousands of foreign visitors descend on Pamplona, Spain each year for revelry, morning bull-runs and afternoon bullfights. | |
15 | 每年有140,000多游客涌向这座偏僻的岛屿,向布满仙人掌的风景和奇异的野生动物传递深情。 | Every year, more than 140, 000 tourists descend on the isolated archipelago to ogle its cactus-studded scenery and bizarre wildlife. | |
16 | 每天早上,成百上千的人们熙熙攘攘的挤在北京工体旁边的水果菜市场。 | Every morning, hundreds of shoppers descend on the open-air fruit and vegetable market near the Workers’ Stadium in central Beijing. | |
17 | 然后有一天天堂的门会打开,一个完美而可爱的小娃娃会像小天使一样降临到我们身边。 | One day, the heavens would part and a perfect, precious cherub would descend on a sunbeam. | |
18 | 在地震发生后的两周多时间内,涌向学校废墟的不仅是学生家长和记者。 | More than two weeks after the quake, it is not just parents and journalists who descend on the ruins. | |
19 | 这对爱人引起了贪婪的刚的注意,为了寻找并不存在的宝藏他袭击了他们。 | The lovers attract the attentions of a rapacious gang, who descend on them, searching for non-existent booty. | |
20 | 这些童子军每年都会在广场上进行一场活动,摆出他们组织的徽章。 | Scouts descend on the mainplaza for the annual event to form their group’s emblem. |